Search results: Pedro Pena

[ 8 items ]
  • El Lebrijano con Manolo Sanlúcar y Pedro Peña  (Republication) 10.46€ #50112UN413 Ref.: 50112UN413

    El Lebrijano con Manolo Sanlúcar y Pedro Peña (Republication)

    We are listening to the best moments of Juan el Lebrijano. His songs are all part of the flamenco festivals.His repertoire includes more than sixteen tittles from 'El lebrijano' (1973) and 'Arte de mi tierra' (1974), with the guitars of Manolo Sanlucar and Pedro Peña. 

    Price: 10.46 € (11.40 USD)
  • Grandes guitarras del flamenco 22.56€ #50112UN21 Ref.: 50112UN21

    Grandes guitarras del flamenco

    A compilation in a double disc, it gathers the best Flamenco artists. It gives a broad journey through the palos of Flamenco with its cast: Enrique de Melchor, Manolo Sanlucar, Sabicas, Ramon de Algeciras, Niño Miguel, Paquera de Jerez, Manuel Morao, Pepe de Lucía, Fosforito, Paco de Lucía, Pedro Peña and  María la Perrata.

    Price: 22.56 € (24.58 USD)
  • Por solea 12.07€ #50515EMI245 Ref.: 50515EMI245

    Por solea

    'Por Soleá' is a compilation of the best flamenco cantaores. Cantaores like: Enrique Morente, José el de la Tomasa, Indio Gitano, Inés Bacán, Tomatito, Dieguito El Cigala, Dorantes, Manuel Soto Sordera, Fernanda de Utrera, Pericón de Cádiz, Aurelio Sellés, Juan el de la Vara, Gabriel Moreno and Manolo Vargas. On guitar: Félix de Utrera, Pedro Peña, Antonio Moya, Paquete, Melchor de...

    Price: 12.07 € (13.15 USD)
  • Persecucion. El Lebrijano 13.10€ #50112UN164 Ref.: 50112UN164

    Persecucion. El Lebrijano

    El Lebrijano's constantly evolving philosophy has yielded some exceptionally personal pieces. Works like 'Persecución', where he introduced cante por galeras and 'Ven y sígume', a modern flamenco opera with music by Manolo Sanlúcar.

    Price: 13.10 € (14.28 USD)
  • b.s.o. sevillanas 7.25€ #50112UN64 Ref.: 50112UN64

    b.s.o. sevillanas

    On January 1992 the filming for the movie 'Sevillanas' came to an end. The movie was on the world of the danza and was released on January 28th of the same year. The film is graced by guitarrists Manolo Sanlúcar and Paco de Lucía, and Camarón de la Isla, Rocío Jurado and Lola Flore. It showcased on September 9th in the XLIX Mostra de Cine de Venecia under the experimental category 'Ventana...

    Price: 7.25 € (7.90 USD)
  • Sueños en el aire 18.85€ #50113ES177 Ref.: 50113ES177

    Sueños en el aire

    This is Juan Peña's, El Lebrijano, 33 release under the title Sueños en el aire. Juan Peña 'El Lebrijano,' makes his debut with the Senador label with 'Sueños del aire,' an album that carries on with previous experimentations and risks that characterize this cantaor's previous works. In this new piece, for example, he collaborated with the Bulgarian Gypsies by recording a version of the...

    Price: 18.85 € (20.54 USD)
  • Fiesta en Lebrija y Siempre Jerez 12.55€ #50112UN398 Ref.: 50112UN398

    Fiesta en Lebrija y Siempre Jerez

    Fiesta en Lebrija (Party in Lebrija) and Siempre jerez (Always Jerez) together, in this re-release which recovers the festive cantes (styles) from Andalucía 'La Baja' (lit. 'Lower Andalusia'). Overall, it includes 20 songs by El Guapo, Manolo Jero, El Borrico, La Piriñaca, El Juanata, El Funi and Fernando de la Morena.

    Price: 12.55 € (13.68 USD)
  • Un gitano de ley (Oratorio de José Heredia Maya) 17.30€ #50509NM495 Ref.: 50509NM495

    Un gitano de ley (Oratorio de José Heredia Maya)

    In this album you will find a compilation of all the best flamenco songs of : Esperanza Fernández, Rafael Riqueni, Aurora Vargas, Tomatito, La Macanita, Moraito, La Paquera, Fernanda and Bernarda, Pansequito and La Tobala.

    Price: 17.30 € (18.85 USD)